Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hanging in there

Had a little bit of a rough day today, which is a lil crazy considering i slept most of it. Things in my life are slowly getting better, not because they actually are but because I'm not letting things bother me so easily anymore. I have changed my whole thoughts on life over the last couple of weeks and am dealing with the fact that we are in control of our own happiness. Seeing as like to be right all the time, I can deal with this. Because after all its you that is in control of your feelings. When you feel hurt, you can change your feelings, when you feel hate you can change those as well.

I guess I'm dealing with being overwhelmed right now. Which is a bit difficult to change, considering if you try to change that, the things your overwhelmed with still are there. I read an interesting quote today "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on". I guess that's where I am, at the end of my rope. Some people are having a hard time with me right now because they have a different way of handling things. That's okay though, I'm happier.

i wish that i could make people just see things my way. Not so much as agree with me and the way things I'm doing just be able to see and say " hey, I see what your doing". It is so empowering and lonely at the same time when you step away from your old ways, because in your old ways you left behind those who you were closest to. You just hope that one day they will walk beside you in the idea that your your on person, with your own mind, and you have the ability to make your on decisions.

So I'm just hanging here on the end of my rope for now ;)

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